Thursday, July 29, 2004

july 29

Sorry, I haven´t been emailing more regularly.  I doing okay still in Huanchaco.  I would have liked to have left, but I´ve been sick and diarrhea on a bus does not sound fun.  I have seen Pourto Chicama and Ive been impressed, its the longest wave in the world.  As I rode the wave, the wind was up and sent spray into my eyes.  I would only open my eyes at intervals to make sure I was still riding the wave.   When the ride ended, I opened my eyes and was disoriented as to where I was exactly.  I had traveled a long way down the beach.  It would have been better if I could´ve seen.  Ive also boogie boarded here in huanchaco which has some good rides, also.  Besides surf, I visited the town and nightlife in Trujillo.  I went to one discotech that had all teens and preteens, it felt a little awkward.  We soon found a salsa club with an older crowd.  Salsa is big here. The beer is expensive, so the practice is to buy one and share with friends using plastic cups. Also, I went to a private muesum that sounded really interesting because it was underneath a gas station.  I am almost intirily convinced it is full of fakes.  It had more pottery peices then the national muesum in Lima.  It has been explained to me that inca, pre inca left very few peices because they sacrificed most of them to the gods.  The peices were a little too numerous.  Also, the cloth on display was suppose to be really old, but it looked nothing like the cloth Ive seen in the Ica muesum that was authentically really old.  I want to head north to witchcraft capitial of Peru perhaps checkout a shaman at work.  I don´t think Ill particapate- just watch. 


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