Saturday, August 07, 2004

Aug 7

Back in Lima, I realized that city has more to it then I could possibly know, but don´t all cities... even our own. I came back for Kathy´s quince. First day, I bought the gifts. I hope she liked them, they had Peruana theme because she has a lot of patriotic pride. I rent a suit that looked great on me, got my shoes shined, and was off. The party was at the ¨casino de polica.¨ I think thats were the police regulate the gambling industry; it wasn´t a police owned casino. Kathy wore a beautiful white, fluffy, wedding type dress. She was introduced by an announcer and accompanied by her father. Next, the quince helpers (similar brides maids and grooms men) were introduced. Finally, The godparents and Kathy´s mother. It started with speechs from the family. Moeses, who´s Kathy´s brother, was caught up in the whole ceremony and began to cry. Next, the jewelry was presented by the godparents and Kathy´s father. The Quince is the jewery birthday as Kathy had explained it. The first dance was with the father surronded by the 4 pairs of quince helpers. It was very formal with set times for switching partners and very much rehersed. Finally, everone got to dance. It was a great party. Kathy looked absolutely stunning. The 15 birthday party is when a girl becomes a women. We all know it takes a little longer. But, in a way 15 was at one time in Human evolution middle-aged. Perhaps, it is accurate to say she is a 'kid/adult.' This is a new word I made up to fit the ocassion.


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