Hello, I arrived in Trujillo yesterday morning and quickly got myself to beach resort of Huanchaco. It looks touristy, no large resort buildings just small hostals that overlook the beach. I quickly made friends, Carlos and Ronald, who are local surfers. The waves looked simple enough- I thought. I rented a board and got in the water. Unfortunately, you have to walk about 20 or 30 yards on rocks under water. The water level in only up to your calf or mid thigh which isn't enough to take weight off your legs. Also, you have wavelet's (smaller waves) pushing you off balance to ensure you lose your footing and step on a sharp rock. At waist high in water, I began to paddle. I was always just out of reach of getting past the white water. I hadn't realized that the current had slowly been pushing me down shore hindering my ability to paddle past it. I spent all my energy yesterday for nothing. At least, i got a workout and the experience of a new beach. Today, the morning wind was too much and I was sure the day was lost for surfing. So, I went to Chan Chan, the adobe ruins. They were suppose to be the best, but at times it only looks like piles of adobe mud. Next, the museum nearby with artifacts from Chan Chan. I made friends with an Australian named Browney and she could read the Spanish and interpret for me. Next we walked all the way to another ruin, I forget the name. This new ruin was nice because it had been covered with sand for many years to protect it form the elements. One could see some of the interesting decorations that covered the walls. Finally, back in huanchaco the surf was up and the sky was blue. It looked beautiful much better then yesterday. Ricardo, the Brazilian, Browney, the Australian, and I talked about politics and medicine and the environment- just beer talk, you know. But, I think we solved the worlds problems as we watched the surfers play and the sunset. Next, we played tag/ hide and seek with the local kids. It was a good day. Tomorrow, I go to Puerto Chicama the worlds longest wave!